CJCPBL is offering virtual legal aid clinics in Clallam and Jefferson County. Because of high demand, we do request pre-registration. However, you do not need to call the CLEAR line to attend. 2024 legal clinics will be held on Saturdays –February 3rd, April 6th, June 1st, August 3rd, and October 5th from 10 AM – 12 NOON.
All consultations will be by phone or Zoom, first come first serve. Please register in advance by calling 360.504.2422 or emailing us at probonomary2@gmail.com, or probonolawyers@gmail.com
In addition to our drop-in clinics CJCPBL also offers one on one advice and consultations with volunteer attorneys in our Community Office. Potential clients do need to call the CLEAR line first in order to determine if you qualify for legal assistance through our program, 1-888-201-1014. CLEAR SR is the intake line for seniors age 60 and over 1-888-387-7111.
CJCPBL offers several clinics with a specific legal focus each year where clients can have specific documents completed, such as a will or an advance directive. Please contact our community office for the dates of these events. Please contact our office for additional info 360 504 2422.